worriors_team | Bring Your Own Solution

NASA Space Apps Sousse

Awards & Nominations

worriors_team has received the following awards and nominations. Way to go!

Global Nominee

The Challenge | Bring Your Own Solution

Follow your brain and your heart, and present a solution of your own choosing!


Solve the problem of pollution caused by cigarette


The following project is really simple.Here we have an enterprise that restricits smoking. So, employees smoke outside. And surely when a lot of them are smoking, the place will be crowded with noise and smoke. That's why we thought of a machine that helps us get rid of all these problems. Two people smoke next to the machine from both sides. It is equipped with a sensor that detects smoke, a cylindric, bladeless fan that absorbs until it's halfway in. Then it gets absorbed by a vaccum in a couple of special sacs. When they finish smoking; they'll put the cigarette in a small place provided that'll eventually blow it out. Further more, a sound concentrator makes the employee only hear the one he's sharing the machine with, there, no need to raise voices to be heard!


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.