Andurá | Our Planet, Our Home

Recife, Pernambuco

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We are Andurá and we developed NatMachine. NatMachine is an app that relates environmental information, in this case, vegetation coverage index, with the economic development indexes from that area. Our aim is to show the user if a given geographical area can develop economically, particularly in terms of GDP, and keep its vegetation coverage. One such area would probably develop its economic activities in a more sustainable way than others. It works as a time machine showing historical earth photographs obtained in NASA Open Data with the corresponding GDP in the period the picture was taken. Besides the app, we also developed an open web service so the public can access the data we collect and process. We are a small team and we want to improve the interface of the app to highlight the impact of economy on nature. The proposal for the future is to develop a sustainability index for delimited regions based on the economic development, resource usage and environmental changes. One such index could be used as a measure of the impact of resource consumption. Government could be able to evaluate the degradation of the local environment and take action when necessary. We believe such an approach to reduce impact on nature could be used in eventual resource exploration in other planets than Earth.

jamersonfplJamerson Felipe Pereira Lima

We are Andurá and we developed NatMachine. NatMachine is an app that relates environmental information, in this case, vegetation coverage index, with the economic development indexes from that area. Our target is to show the user areas that develop economically, particularly in terms os GDP, and keep the vegetation coverage. One such area would probably develop its economic activities more sustainably than others. It works as a time machine showing historical terrain screenshots obtained in NASA Open Data with the corresponding GDP from the period the screenshot was taken. With NatMachine, government could be able to evalutate the degradation of local environment and take the necessary measures.

Amaro Virginio da Silva Neto
Detail screen from a selected place.
Detail screen from a selected place.
Amaro Virginio da Silva Neto
Main screen of the app.
Main screen of the app.
Amaro Virginio da Silva Neto
App Git Repo
Server Git Repo
Amaro Virginio da Silva Neto

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.