Guardians of the Earth | Our Planet, Our Home

La Laguna, Canary Islands

Team Updates

Hi everyone!!

We've been working on a project which aim is to transform CO2 into other chemical compounds, and also, try to get back to the natural CO2 cycle. With this, the main purpose is to reduce, almost eliminate the carbon dioxide excess from our daily life. The project was divided into two sections:

- The first one, is referred to the caption of CO2 on the streets. This could be done by using an"streetlight", in which inner part a container will be introduced with NaOH. Also, a fan will be helping the carbon dioxide to go in, reach the cavity where the NaOH is found, and both will interact chemically. Producing NaCO3 residuals. They will accumulate in a container that will be cleaned every approx. 4 months due to every day interactions are 16, and every 4 moths we'll have 2619 interactions, that will endwith all the NaOH of our device. (This is supposed to be cleaned by social services in each country)

The uses of NaCO3 precipitate are:

* Industrial products

* Homemade detergent

* Soaps

- The second developed is, from two different chemical reactions, one with ammonia and the other one with nitrogen,making them react with CO2 and realize which one is worth it to use in our device.

What we did was finding that NH3 is cheaper and its necessity of heat is much smaller than the N2, so is worth it to use the reaction with ammonia.

We also designed a machine where all these reaction will come across and will be incorporate just right after the scape valve. This will transform the CO2 into C3N4, so the vehicles used won't contaminate.

With these, we can show is possible to find and economic and easy way to reduce and stop the CO2 emissions, thus, global warming and the greenhouse effect can be reduced in a really high percentage.

However, we didn't finish all the designs, and of course we can improve so many things we have implemented in this little project. Either way, if more materials and time were provided in next steps, this idea could bring a much better future to our Earth and also, so important, to us.

We'll be showing you all of our progress, and if you have any question don't hesitate and ask us. Or even if you have something to say, every opinion and comment is welcome!

Thank you.

at622Alejandra Traspas
Stochiometric data. OUR SOLUTION!
Stochiometric data. OUR SOLUTION!
chemicalsxManuel Hernández Padrón
Device 2 and internal combustion engine
Device 2 and internal combustion engine
chemicalsxManuel Hernández Padrón
Analytic Thermodynamic. Device 2.
Analytic Thermodynamic. Device 2.
chemicalsxManuel Hernández Padrón
Device 1 and internal combustion engine
Device 1 and internal combustion engine
chemicalsxManuel Hernández Padrón
Analytic Thermodynamic. Device 1, reaction between NH3 and CO2.
Analytic Thermodynamic. Device 1, reaction between NH3 and CO2.
chemicalsxManuel Hernández Padrón
Smart Streetlight working: electric circuit
Smart Streetlight working: electric circuit
chemicalsxManuel Hernández Padrón
Hi world! :)
Hi world! :)
chemicalsxManuel Hernández Padrón

We're almost finishing!!!!

at622Alejandra Traspas
Look our 3D streetlight diagram, this will help us to reduce the amount of CO2 on the streets.
Look our 3D streetlight diagram, this will help us to reduce the amount of CO2 on the streets.
at622Alejandra Traspas

Ups! Completed! :D

chemicalsxManuel Hernández Padrón

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.