2 Bytes Game Studios | Trace Invaders


The Challenge | Trace Invaders

Develop a tool to trace invasive species in your neighborhood over time!


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Global problem solving system with social gaming element. And hardware/software/database solution to prevent ant invasion.

2 Bytes Game Studios

1) By indicating specific disasters like in application (landslides, cyclones, floods, wild fire, mass insect invasion) user is able to choose one or several ways to help in solving this problem. Any PC/mobile user is able to make something to support. Like: sharing info, sending stuff, donations, volunteering. All these things will build specific rank inside the system and granting him some points.

Workflow looks like this: problem in progress, it is indicated in application (with news from trusted sources, geo data, and other details), he chooses way to help, gets points/ranks/digital gifts.

Because lot of information and details, this handy tool will support Big Data using, neural networks support and other things, which became outdated for today.

It will be supported by following platforms: Android, iOS, browser extensions, web standalone application.

Tools for development: Unreal Engine 4, C++.

2) Ant invasions are a specific task used to illustrate how the application, can be used for filling the global database by humans in their everyday setting equipped by hardware means such as quadrocopters. The data can be further used to manage available resources against points of invation by encircling them with objects like traps, ant robots etc. Further research is useful for an extended range of apps in areas like ant robotics and AI


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.