knowit-doit | Where the Genes Flow

Cleveland, OH

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This Thing Called Life!
This Thing Called Life!
Working on a detailed way to find multi-dimensional correlations!!!!
Working on a detailed way to find multi-dimensional correlations!!!!

What: Use statistical method: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), to find correlation between multiple variables and plot the outcome in a circular format in the form of a multi-correlation sphere in euclidean space.

How: 3 steps: (1) Collect data from resources provided by NASA. (2) Perform PCA on global data variables using PERL, R or C programming. (3) Devise methods to plot correlations onto a multi-correlation sphere (using previously available methods as references. For instance, Circos in R).

Why: (1) This approach would provide hidden correlations among variables and would help explain a phenomena more accurately and systematically. (2) Large amount of data can be correlated at the same time. (3) Final spherical correlation plot would be intuitive and easy to comprehend.

Challenge chosen: We will be working using data for "Where The Genes Flow" challenge. But, this approach could be applied to any set of big data. Multiple challenges can also be attempted, if time permits.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.