Here Comes The Sun | Let's go to the Beach!


Awards & Nominations

Here Comes The Sun has received the following awards and nominations. Way to go!

Global Nominee

The Challenge | Let's go to the Beach!

Build a tool for beach-goers to monitor for hazards and to alert them of precautionary measures for protection on their swim- and surf-filled adventures!

The Sunscreen - Android Mobile App and Weather Monitoring Centers

The Sunscreen is a user-friendly mobile app created to help people prevent sun damages at short and long time. It gives you a timed remembering to brush up the sunscreen and indicates the recommended doses in a easy way, according to the sun intensity.

Here Comes The Sun

Inside the app you will also find some tips to improve your experience while exposed to the sun, a session to set how many times you wanna brush up the sunscreen, a session with the innovative function that calculates the percentage of sun intensity in real time and gives you the recommended doses of sunscreen measured in teaspoons, and a session to share your opinion about the beach.

Our resources were MIT App Inventor, Microsoft Visual Studio and Arduino UNO.

Find more informations about how we did it: (Android App and Visual Basic Project).


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.