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Space Apps Cairo

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To design a city for the next generations it should has the newest technology and the smartest planning to avoid our current problems. So we have considered these features in our project.

Firstly, the urban planning: The buildings are designed to use green buildings to achieve sustainability in the city.

Secondly, power source: our city is fully depend on renewable sources, Bio Gas Plant (for all locations),

(Solar system – hydro power station) according to our city location.

Thirdly, environment: we have designed an environment mentoring unit it can measure (temperature – humidity – air pollution – soil humidity – water level) and these unit has its own power source (solar) and send data remotely.

Fourthly, Agriculture: we will improve Agriculture by soil monitoring, knowing the water level and make Suggestions for farmers what crops they will plant and the bio gas Remnants are a good fuel for the soil.

Fifthly, Disasters: we found a solution for (lighting- heavy rain- earthquakes- floods) in our city planning and can predict some of them.

Finally: we depend on IBM cloud (Bluemix) to take some of NASA Earth data to predict some phenomenon and taking the readings from our units and display them into mobile app which will be our communication point with Population.

amirosama1Amir Osama Farouk

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.