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In order to decide the question of how the city of the future should look like, it was necessary for us first to go through the setting of the right questions: the basic criteria of an intelligent city, due to what it can be considered smart, why and to whom it is needed, as far as it is rational and, finally, Why the settlements of our country can not be called clever.

We have included all of our imagination, rationalism and tuned to the wave of the consumer, so that our vision of the future was as close to reality as possible so that it was really a project of the future, not a fantasy.

In the process of discussing issues, we came to conclusions, which were reflected in our draft. First, the city of the future should be safe and environmentally friendly, with a reasonable use of existing resources, maximally independent of the person in terms of solving life support problems.

We see that in the future, a person will be able to calmly engage in self-realization and development, without wasting time to solve "operational" daily tasks.

It was this development of the future that prompted us to create a project that we represent to you.

We hope you like it.

Vitalii Bunakov

Для того, чтобы решить вопрос о том, как должен выглядеть город будущего нам необходимо было сначала пойти путем постановки правильных вопросов: основные критерии умного города, за счет чего его можно считать умным, зачем и кому это нужно, насколько это рационально и, наконец, почему поселения нашей страны не могут называться умными.

Мы включили всё наше воображение, рационализм и настроились на волну потребителя, чтобы наше видение будущего было максимально приближенным к реалиям, чтобы это был действительно проект будущего, а не фантазия.

В процессе обсуждения вопросов мы пришли к выводам, которые и отобразили в нашем проекте. Во-первых, город будущего должен быть безопасным и экологически чистым, с разумным использованием существующих ресурсов, максимально независимым от человека в плане решения проблем жизнеобеспечения.

Мы видим, что в будущем человек сможет спокойно заниматься самореализацией и развитием, не растрачивая попусту время на решение "операционных" ежедневных задач.

Именно такое развитие будущего и подтолкнуло нас создать проект, который мы вам представляем.

Надеемся, он вам понравится.

Vitalii Bunakov
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andriyNayda Andriy
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andriyNayda Andriy
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andriyNayda Andriy
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Vitalii Bunakov
Team work about the project
Team work about the project
Vitalii Bunakov

We see the city of the future as the most comfortable for life, autonomous, energy-efficient, economical, self-reactive to different environmental changes living organism.

The city of the future should primarily be comfortable for living: people should spend minimum of their resources on solving household issues.

To implement such a project, we need to receive and process a large volume of information about the environment that will help us to see the problem areas and coordinate actions in time to solve possible problems.

The accumulation and analysis of data will help to anticipate future problems and avoid them.

Since the resources of the Earth are consumed on the crane for the present day, the city of the future must solve the problem of maximally rational use of existing resources.

One of the main qualities of a smart city is the maximum environmental friendliness of all aspects of its existence: the rational use of available resources, the recycling of waste products, the creation of new sources of alternative environmentally safe energy.

Vitalii Bunakov

Our goal: To modernize a settlement

Problem: There is no online control of the life support systems of the settlement

Problem solution: Create a tool for monitoring and managing the environment of the settlement, analyzing this data and optimize it for settlement progress and correct management.

Dmitriy Baykov

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.