Hassas | Live Smart


The Challenge | Live Smart

Evaluate environmental, social, and economic data to design tools and plan blueprints for smart and connected rural and urban settlements.


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We aim to collect and analyze data using sensors to develop solutions for environmental and social problems


We aim to build an open source network of sensors and allow people to add sensors to the network, to demonstrate one application of our idea, We built a Noise level sensor that would be used to identify noise pollution levels in the Saudi Arabian city of Riyadh,

Noise pollution can cause health problems such as hypertension and hearing loss, Our sensor detects noise level and transmit it to the open database through a wireless-based microcontroller, this database is open to the public through a user interface (website), the website receives the data and outputs the noise pollution state (High, Low, etc)


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.