Air-simov | Pilots Plus


The Challenge | Pilots Plus

Provide private aircraft pilots and passengers with an easy-to-use tool that gives information about the land underneath their flight plans.


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An android app that shows the user, in a simple and intuitive way, geographic, natural, and cultural points of interest of the area he is flying by.


FlightPedia is an android app built in Android Studio, written on both Java (activities, database), SQLite(database), and XML (design). It uses google maps APIs (maps and geocoding) to show the user geographic (mountains, urban centers, etc), natural (fauna and flora), and cultural (historic monuments, artistic patrimony, cultural centers, etc) points of interest of the places they're flying over in a simple and intuitive way. We believe that this interaction will create a bigger interest in tourism, since the knowledge provided to the users of this app can generate interest in meeting these highlighted points on their maps, mobilizing, that way, the local economy of these places, generating jobs and income.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.