We’re Team Chutney, here to revamp flying, making it safer and more accessible with Plavana. Our system identifies areas safe for emergency landings in-real time as the need arises, based on elevation and terrain data, to aid the instant decision of the pilot. This same system, implemented for passengers, helps to identify locations of interest as they fly over them. Adaptations including change of colors for text and background, font sizes and character spacing for the dyslexic, ensure that all can enjoy their flight.
To accommodate the dyslexic people, Plavana in-flight system has an option with the following features:
Making flights safer: helping the pilot make instant decisions
The system can be expanded with more content around the earth. We would add adaptability of the system for blind people so that they can also get to experience the lively earth beneath the plane, in ways never imagined.
The system may be the launchpad for other facilities, aimed at making the world's beauty accessible and perpectible by all. These apps can then be made more relevant for different age groups through more complex content and different facilites that resonates with a particular age group.
[Github URL: https://github.com/ananay/spaceapps]
Resources used:
SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.