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Welcome to Smartopolis! Live smart, smart be smart!

Smartopolis is our conceptual design for city of the future. We were partially inspired by the Venus project. Our concept focus is on the following areas:

Energy efficiency:

Self sufficiency,




Shearing and Education.


Infrastructure: The city design is based on concentric circles with the most important buildings located in the center. Those are Health care facilities, Hospitals, Education centers, Food bank. Moving away from the center are the residential areas. Moving even further away are the parks and underground parkings. On the outskirt of the city is located Airports and agricultural land. In the food banks the excessively produced and sill fresh food will be gathered via specially designed underground tubes and instantly distributed among those who need it.


Energy efficiency: Smartopolis aims to be self-sufficient and energy independent. For that work some design principals need to be followed. The city employs a smart grid electrical system. The smart grid uses artificial neuron networks and reinforcement learning agents to build a prediction module of energy consumption. That allows for a more energy efficient electrical grid. Urban and residential buildings would be covered in solar panels. Our calculations show that 400,000 m² of solar panels will generate between 75-110 GWh annual. Further more there will be wind turbines located in the outskirts of the city. Smartopolis will have battery depots to accumulate excessive power.


Recycling ...and reducing waste. Smartopolis will recycle most of its waste. Composting the bio waste will produce also methane gas which can be used as a bio-energy source. Wastes will be collected separately by its type


Agricultural lands are located in the outskirts of the city. Self driving tractors and combines will find the best routes for farming the fields. Self-piloting drones will plant the seeds in the fields. The proximity of the city will improve the transportation process and shorten delivery times.


We can not build our smart city with our current way of thinking and reasoning. The people of Smartopolis will have their own culture. They need to think collectively rather then egoistically. For instance each individual should save electricity, water and food because they realize they are part of a society not because the are told so.

Smartopolis will change the world and this change is driven by every single one of us!

mvatevMiroslav Vatev

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.