Pilots | Pilots Plus


The Challenge | Pilots Plus

Provide private aircraft pilots and passengers with an easy-to-use tool that gives information about the land underneath their flight plans.

Family Finder

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Pilots's Project is about a phone app which will help the people in a flight which lost its track or crashed or lost signal to the tower. The way this app will work is it will get information from the satellite and send the information back up.


This is a basic image of what it look like on a windows phone.


A lot of planes have disappeared and the family members of the people who were involved in the crash have been very miserable. To stop The Pilots came up with a solution. Pilot's Project is about a phone app which will help the people in a flight which lost its track or crashed or lost signal to the tower. The way this app will work is, it will get information from the satellite and send the information back up. The relative of the member who is on the flight will be able to see where the plane is. If it has lost connection or has crashed the relative will send help by calling the airline. This will prevent many people losing their beloved family and the airline losing its customers by being ranked low.

Special Phones would be needed that will be able to send information back to the satellite. It can be done my making new devices or by connecting to mobile service or space agency first.

Internet would be needed everywhere on earth which is already a challenge by facebook that by 2019 internet would be everywhere with satellites.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.