SCOUT | Pilots Plus

Space Apps Cairo

The Challenge | Pilots Plus

Provide private aircraft pilots and passengers with an easy-to-use tool that gives information about the land underneath their flight plans.


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This project is aiming to find some way to protect and hack on aeroplanes using three loaded sensors on a rocket that's launched right at the moment of starting exploration for protection.

{'dispatchConfig': None, '_targetInst': None, 'nativeEvent': None, 'type': None, 'target': None, 'currentTarget': None, 'eventPhase': None, 'bubbles': None, 'cancelable': None, 'timeStamp': None, 'defaultPrevented': None, 'isTrusted': None, 'isDefaultPrevented': None, 'isPropagationStopped': None, '_dispatchListeners': None, '_dispatchInstances': None}

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.