The Black Holes Riders | What’s for Dinner?


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HEXRO is a small six-legged robot prototype,which is going to be suitable for planting fruit trees and various seed crops in uncultivated, unfriendly, and uneven terrains. The main idea is for the robot to have different types of seeds in its hollow legs, allowing simultaneous planting of six different crops. At the same time, for planting trees or shoots that require greater sowing depth, HEXRO is equipped with a planting system, consisting of auger for soil and a tree feeder mechanism.

Its control system is based on Raspberry Pi 3 and 16-channel, 12-bit PWM Extender, based on the PCA9685 integrated circuit. The communication between HEXRO and the operator (the robots operator) is done via Wi-Fi through mobile app. HEXRO can also be preconfigured to execute mission plan.

xtreamIvelin Kirilov Ivanov

This version of Hexro is only a prototype. By design he should be 1:1:1 meters big. And he can seed large portion of land with one charge of his batteries.

suzunovStoyan Uzunov
minchevDimitar Minchev

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.