mathpseudo | You are my Sunshine


The Challenge | You are my Sunshine

Create a medium to help people understand energy output from a solar panel, and a tool to plan energy consumption based on expected energy output from solar technologies.


SolXplorer is a game simulated using data from the NREL in which you, a solar farmer, has to use various types of solar panels to generate energy for operating devices and earn more money(points).

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SolXplorer is an attempt to build a game that teaches about the various types of solar panels available and the energy generated from each of them in a simple and easy to use fashion. The game is still in in its baby steps. You can also operate various devices using the solar energy harvested from the farm and earn money which can be used to buy more cells. The amount of time the device can be operated using the available energy is also given. The data from NREL API and HI SEAS is used in the game.

The game can also be used as a digital simulator for testing the energy use of the crew members for various missions and monitor their utilization patterns.

The game can be expanded using other variables for solar panels such as azimuth, tilt etc. The github repository of the project can be found here:

I believe this can be expanded into a solar energy simulator or utilization planner or a better game incorporating other variables that can be used to educate the people. The above video is just the proof of concept, we can improve it better. The scope of the project is immense.


HI SEAS Meteorological Data


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.