Phoenix | You are my Sunshine

New Delhi

The Challenge | You are my Sunshine

Create a medium to help people understand energy output from a solar panel, and a tool to plan energy consumption based on expected energy output from solar technologies.


SolArc is a companion app to help a user monitor and forecast his Solar energy use. The app helps predict days when the sun may not shine so bright and energy availablity may be less by suggesting to switch off unessential appliances.


One of the most commonly counted problem with Solar Energy is the fact that it's not reliable in case of bad weather. We aim to help the people by providing a companion app which takes it's data from NREL's servers across the world, which gives the Approximate monthly solar radiation per meter square in the lab nearest to the user.

The list of resources we used:

NREL's developer API:

Open Weather Maps API:

Challenges faced:

1. Mapping a user's Power Consumption.

2. Mapping the consumption of several commonly used Electronics.

3. Developing an Algorithm to determine the necessity of electronics.

The Source code of the Application is available here:


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.