HI-SEAS and future space mission groups will be highly dependent on relatively scarce solar energy. Our project seeks to help groups like HI-SEAS manage their power usage effectively, by determining the amount of energy available via a weather model as well as monitor their usage via a web app that can be run locally on-site.
Over time we hope that the model will become more sophisticated and that the UI will be updated to better reflect the needs of our users.
Hackathon achievements:
1. Built a prediction model based on HI-SEAS weather data (source dataset from NASA and a third party source)
2. Built a prototype UI to demonstrate multi-user support and visualization of energy usage.
project: https://savesun-skypath.rhcloud.com/
code: https://github.com/cnwalker/savesun
presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16DleLclK3qDw9FFhLc9_77POPXfRr1X5XguC-Yf1_3g/edit?usp=sharing
SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.