SunUp | You are my Sunshine

Berkeley, CA

The Challenge | You are my Sunshine

Create a medium to help people understand energy output from a solar panel, and a tool to plan energy consumption based on expected energy output from solar technologies.

SunUp - The best energy advice for the environment and your budget

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SunUp maximizes energy saving for solar-powered smarthome, by monitoring and predicting solar power collection and energy usage.


When the first settlers land on Mars, how will they make sure their habitats and machines don’t overuse scarce sources of electricity?

SunUp is a web application that monitors data on your solar panel and predicts energy intake based on your location and setup. On the other end, Sun Up observes the energy expenditure of your home, analyzing and predicting energy usage to calculate your energy balance.

By predicting how much energy comes into your solar panel, and understanding where your energy is spent, we can provide recommendations to maximize your home’s energy efficiency.

On Earth, SunUp will help you check your energy expenditures and end your dependency on non-eco friendly energy. We’ll make sure you can rely mostly or entirely on solar, and in many states, get you compensated for having a solar energy surplus.

On Mars, SunUp will help astronauts monitor and ration their precious solar energy supply. In an environment where electricity is scarce, solar power is harder to obtain, and energy usage will be more volatile, Mars’ new homes have to be the smartest to save energy.

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.