CodeForEarth | 1D, 2D, 3D– Go!


The Challenge | 1D, 2D, 3D– Go!

Create tools that visualize Earth science missions and their data in three dimensions!

Control What You Want To Explore

We want to build an interactive tool that let everyone can view the Earth and visualize the space mission and universe in any angle under a 3D view.


We want to build an interactive tool that let everyone can view the Earth and visualize the space mission and universe in any angle under a 3D view.

This project is divided into five parts as following :

Machine Learning : Work hard on predict the geolocation of the future meteorites.

3D View Model : Based on NASA's tutorial, we use web technique on finding the angle of view that can be controlled by user through Intel Edison

Hardware : Use Intel Edison as a controller via capturing the motion of user

Server : Build node.js server on AWS EC2, and connect to Intel Edison and website front end with socket IO

Environment : Build OpenCV in Intel Edison

Our Project PPT Link :

Github Link:


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.