Earthctionary | Bring Your Own Solution


Team Updates

Here in Madrid, the Earthctionary Team, we have created Twitter bot that will change your life in the easiest and quickest way, and you will learn to love science just like we do!

Our bot includes features like:

  • Provide users access to a large library of definitions just by tweeting the word/term wanted, and have automated answers replied back instantly.
  • Deliver useful space forecasts for atmospherical conditions like UV index or air pollution.
  • Give the position and foto of the ISS and what is currently seeing.

Our main objectives are to expand the knowledge about science and space and bring it to the global community and bring awareness about the usefulness of NASA databases for common people. And what better way than through Twitter, one of the most famous and easiest Social Media platforms!

It’s very easy to use out bot, just tweet something you don’t know or something you would like to know to our account (@EarthDictionary) and it will reply back instantly! You want to know what the ISS is seeing right now? tweet us with the hashtag #ISS and we will reply with the exact location and a photo!

Right now it can only respond to acronyms such as SART (Shuttle Astronaut Recruitment Program) and to #ISS, but in the near future it will include features such as:

  • Provide answers in multiple language
    • Translate input + output. Keep processing/querying DBs in English.
  • Accept questions in natural language through NLP.
    • Neural networks + deep learning (w/ scraping and sorting features).
  • Provide answers (definitions) to actual terms, using the NASA library of definitions.
    • For example: Solar Radiation.
  • Identify space-like objects from smartphone camera input
    • Implement Computer Vision capabilities and compare to NASA Image DB.
  • Use Twitter’s geolocation feature to provide tailored answers
    • By city, municipality..
  • Implement user feedback for future improvements and issue tracking
    • Likes, comments on answers...

For more information, click here:

Lucia Zhang
Tweet #ISS and see what you get!
Tweet #ISS and see what you get!
Lucia Zhang
Look at our bot in action!
Look at our bot in action!
Lucia Zhang

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.