EOS? | Bring Your Own Solution


Awards & Nominations

EOS? has received the following awards and nominations. Way to go!

Global Nominee

The Challenge | Bring Your Own Solution

Follow your brain and your heart, and present a solution of your own choosing!

Educational Orbital Simulator

We are aiming to use an Arduino powered robot to simulate orbit and help get children interested in space, robots and code!


We wanted to create something that helps kids get inspired and interested in Space, Robots and Coding, in an interactive way. We wanted to make something that anyone could create and or engage with. The cute, easy to build, Arduino based, Hull Pixel Bot platform was an obvious choice.

By using a robot to simulate a satellite we hope the tactile and engaging experience would be a good gateway for kids to get into tech and space. The robots customisability mean that it could be adapted to a huge array of things.

Soon after we began our build we realised that our single sensor generated a problem with measuring the robots angle, relative to a surface. Adopting a two sensor approach solved this.

We hope to make the robot more fluid at orbiting, wifi connected and build an easy to use client to control the robot remotely.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.