HN ISI | Bring Your Own Solution


Awards & Nominations

HN ISI has received the following awards and nominations. Way to go!

Local Peoples' Choice Winner
Global Nominee

The Challenge | Bring Your Own Solution

Follow your brain and your heart, and present a solution of your own choosing!


This system will save your life by detecting the symptoms of the illness before it start affecting the humanbody in order to prevent the disease from spreading by giving alerts and advices.


Presentation :

From the beginning of time, humans tried to reach eternity. It appears through the works of mythology from the most ancient cultures. Modern medicine and pharmaceutical industry aimed to extend the average life span. Here and now, as we HN Team like to call it the “Post Modern Medical Era”, we are aiming not only to prevent the illness and eradicating it as soon as it appears in the human body, but also to prevent any possible threat of illness through the studying of the outside surrounding environment with the assistance of your own Smartphone, which will automatically allow people to live a longer, healthier, and happier life.

Our project combines several fields together to build a futuristic illness prevention system. With the work and dedication of doctors and web developers and scientists, the patient will be notified instantly if there are any health issues and concerns and get to call their doctor who will receive a notification from Smartphone app too stating the symptoms.

With the linking of the Nanotechnology, Big Data and Smartphone apps, we’re giving humanity a tool for a long, healthy life and this is how it works:


It works by injecting tiny NanoBots through a syringe in the blood vessels. These little guys circulate all the human body and collect data, they work as an internal lab where they measure and analyze sugar, cholesterol, oddities like cancer cells, germs or diseases and transfer these data to Biosensors.

Biosensors (DioSkin):

They look like tattoos. These biosensors are usually planted in the skin of the person who decided to use this technology. They collect the data from the Nanobots and from the surrounding environment. Weather the users are facing a possible illness or no notify them about the body temperature or the surrounding environment, so they get notified and get some advice transmitted wirelessly and automatically to their Smartphones stating pieces of advice to avoid being sick.

Big Data:

Meanwhile, our doctors and scientists would have collected data of every know illness or disease in the world and it’d be updated every time there’s a new medical discovery. This data is the key of this project, where the data collected from the Nanobots and collected by the Biosensors is compared to the data in our servers and gives eventually a full diagnosis for the patient.

Smartphone App:

An app downloaded from our systems. It works as the link between the previously mentioned sections. The app receives the data collected by the Biosensors, sends it to our servers, and then receives the diagnosis and both the patient and his doctor get notified instantly.

E-health does not offer us life, it saves it

Ressources: human body Anatomy


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.