Space Sling | Bring Your Own Solution


The Challenge | Bring Your Own Solution

Follow your brain and your heart, and present a solution of your own choosing!

Space Sling - create artificial gravity in space

Space Sling is a simple, practical and cost efficient concept of creating artificial gravity in space.

Space Sling


Create artificial gravity in space.

Four elements are needed for us to exist – water, food, air and gravity. Water, food and air are not that hard to deliver or obtain in space. And the way to create gravity is actually a relatively simple physics task. Gravity can be easily created through circular rotation. That’s why space stations in movies rotate around their main axis – to create gravity. The weak spot in that approach is the immense cost and mass of such a construction which will require a substantial amount of fuel along with a complex supply system.


The concept of Space Sling is different. Instead of rotating a giant object, we will build a single static round rail. We will use electromagnetic levitation to run a small “module” on that rail. Just imagine a Hyperloop train running in circles in space and thus creating gravity. We will use solar energy to run the module, so no additional fuel will be needed. The best part is that Space Sling can be built now with existing, well-known technologies.

The essential element to humankind conquering the space is creating gravity there. And that’s exactly what the Space Sling does. And it does it in a simple, practical and cost-efficient way.







SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.