Data Concierge

    The Challenge

    Develop an artificial intelligence tool to help Earth science data users and enthusiasts find datasets and resources of interest!


    With eighteen satellites and three instruments aboard the International Space Station observing the Earth, Earth science enthusiasts and Earth data users have access to terabytes of information to browse and use at their fingertips!

    Your challenge is to design an artificial intelligence tool to help Earth science data consumers navigate NASA’s Earth science datasets and resources!  Help users identify which datasets are useful to them and how to access them.  


    • Consider the perspectives of various professionals, for example farmers and air quality managers, outdoor-activities enthusiasts (for example surfers and hikers), and those with specific curiosities (for example bird watchers).  What types of information (datasets, images, articles) would they be interested in?
    • Can you make suggestions that will help users with their searches?
    • How would you determine if your tool was helpful, or needs improvement?
    • How would your tool learn, as it is being used, to improve its capabilities?
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    SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.