Humanoids | Data Concierge


The Challenge | Data Concierge

Develop an artificial intelligence tool to help Earth science data users and enthusiasts find datasets and resources of interest!


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The tool for creating Earth visualization using your data in json, csv or xls

Github link


This year almost all challenges involves some data visualisation on Earth.

To make it happens, any team needs to create a nice Earth model, regardless the type of data they have. Only after that they may put data on it.


We decide to help our colleagues and any future enthusiasts, civil researshes. Our team develop a tool that visualise datasets on Earth model.


Data owners just put their dataset in *.json, *.csv or *.xls format into ERVIZ. Then:

  • ERVIZ recognises geo coordinates and put marks on Earth model
  • other fields may be used as filters.
  • values of some fields may define marks color, radius and intensity.
  • if time-date field is defined, it may be used for creating dynamic animation.

Any user may save its work without registration and share visualisation with friend via social media.

  1. This tool eliminate entry barriers for researches and dataowners that don't have strong technical background.
  2. ERVIZ helps researches to promote their work results via social media. It awares more people about science work importance and involve more participants in research community.
  3. ERVIZ saves all datasets that were downloaded. This data may be used by other scientits in their visualisation. Thus we create the open storage fo Earth data and collaboration platform.
  • flexible Earth-data visualization saves scientists time
  • wide community awarness
  • single open data storage
  • easy to use collaborative tool


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.