Unified Search | Data Concierge

New York, NY

The Challenge | Data Concierge

Develop an artificial intelligence tool to help Earth science data users and enthusiasts find datasets and resources of interest!


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Unified UI and API for searching and accessing NASA data across static data (DATA.JSON standard) and a plethora of APIs

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OneNASA is a prototype for a unified UI and API for searching and accessing NASA Earth Sensing Mission data across static data (DATA.JSON standard) and a plethora of APIs.

The prototype exploits the commonalities seen in data across NASA's data - specifically:

  • text meta data (keywords, either manually set in the data source or mined via NLP)
  • temporal data (either date/time collected or published)
  • spatial data (optional point, bounding box, or polygonal data)

The prototype targets three data sources:

  1. The raw DATA.JSON catalog of NASA open data.
  2. Tabular data hosted on the data.nasa.gov site
  3. Orthoimagry published in the Landsat API

The output of the project was a taxonomy on how to access these data sources using a single API, a python flask powered prototype of this API, and an interactive and dynamic UI for accessing the data aimed at both casual and power users of data. It's my personal belief that data needs to be democratized and that making data access both simpler and more available must be a goal of this project.

Further it is planned to have this project read in occupation data about the user that, put into a logistic regression with user occupation data. In this way a front end powered by OneNASA would learn from users what they are interested in.

What more - because this project use the Project Open Data Metadata Schema v1.1 (https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema/) used by all Federal agencies publishing open data on data.gov - this project can be expanded to multiple Federal agencies - indeed potentially to all data published on data.gov.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.