Roots | Earth is Cool!


The Challenge | Earth is Cool!

Make a video to tell your story of how “Earth is cool!”

Earth School

Creation of audiovisual educational content, thinking of accessibility with subtitles and description of the sound environment, focusing on the children’s audience from 5 to 10 years about physical aspects and curiosities of planet Earth.



Creation of audiovisual educational content, thinking of accessibility with subtitles and description of the sound environment, focusing on the children’s audience from 5 to 10 years about physical aspects and curiosities of planet Earth.

This project is based on:

  • Creation of video content with accessibility to visual and hearing impaired;
  • Awareness of children’s audience ecological and environmental problems about our planet on a didactic way;
  • Help on the ecological and environmental education of the planet.


The use of current technology to learning, results in even more creative and interactive content making possible new ways of teaching the young and children. Searching to ally the production of planet Earth’s content with new ways of teaching children about how important it is to preserve the planet in a playful way.

To aware this public, we will address the importance of the teaching even while small, improving the vision of preservation of the society around you. The content have the targeting on the following topics: the cycle of water, recycle, animal breeding and how the urban sprawl has to be developed in a sustainable way.


The lack of awareness and even understanding of how certain things work, can make our actions, involuntarily, impact negatively in our environment, causing invisible trouble in the present, however destructible in the future.

The change of attitude can be taught to this children to the parental environment, raising the impact reach of these content in the living society.


Creation of a youtube channel for the disclosure of audiovisual educative children’s content about the planet Earth.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.