UofK Team | Earth is Cool!

Everywhere / Virtual Participation

Awards & Nominations

UofK Team has received the following awards and nominations. Way to go!

Local Peoples' Choice Winner

The Challenge | Earth is Cool!

Make a video to tell your story of how “Earth is cool!”

A visit to a cool planet called Earth

We made an animation video using Stop Motion animation technique to show some of the amazing places to see and the cool things to experience on earth. The video features an alien coming from a different galaxy that visits our planet Earth.

UofK Team

This video is our participation in “Earth is cool” challenge which is one of NASA Space Apps challenge 2017.

Our idea was to make an animation video using Stop Motion animation technique to show some of the amazing places to see and the cool things to experience on earth. The video starts an alien coming from a different galaxy to our planet Earth for a visit where he discovers its beauty and richness.

The main character, the animals and some of the objects used in the movie were drawn and cut by hand, while the backgrounds used was printed photos taken from different resources from the internet.

The Alien starts journey by coming to Milky Way Galaxy, then get attracted to the earth with its unique and colorful appearance (coming from the water, deserts, vegetations and clouds) and then sees the Aurora from the space. First, his spaceship lands in Greenland where he sees snow everywhere, igloo house and starts to shake from it’s extremely cold weather. Afterwards, he sees the Grand Canyon and he get fascinated by its greatness. Next, he goes to Mexico where he sees the Maya civilian heritage resembled in (). Then, he decides to relax in the beach in Hawaii. His next stop is Amazon rainforest when he experiences the tropical weather and sees some of its animals. Next he goes to Europe where he sees some of the great monuments such as Eiffel tower in France and the Coliseum in Italy. Again he takes a break next to the beach in Santorini in Greece with its () land. Afterwards, he pays a visit to Turkey where he rides a balloon in Cappadocia. Next he visits Asia to see some the seven wonders (Taj Mahal in India and The Great Wall of China) wearing their traditional outfits. He finishes his journey in Asia in Japan where he sees the Cherry blossom in front of a Japanese house declaring the beginning of spring. Up next, he goes to Australia where he sees the amazing nature and unique animals such as Kangaroo and koalas and dive in the water. Afterwards, he take a huge bungee jump in New Zealand. Lastly he comes to Africa passing by Madagascar and climbs in its () trees. Next he dance with the Masai tribe in Tanzania and visits the safari in Kenya. His final stop is Sudan where he sees the Nubian heritage resembled in the Pyramids.

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SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.