BEeSpace | Small Spaces, Big Ideas!

Space Apps Napoli

Team Updates

You can find all our renderings and CAD model on our GITHub Repository:

francescoperrelliFrancesco Perrelli

Check out our video!

francescoperrelliFrancesco Perrelli
The dream goes on!
The dream goes on!
andr.raiaAndrea Raia
​​2nd Place in Naples :D Looking forward the Global Competition Now!
​​2nd Place in Naples :D Looking forward the Global Competition Now!
francescoperrelliFrancesco Perrelli

Hello guys we are the BEE Space team!

We chose to join the “Small Spaces, Big Ideas!” challenge of the “Ideate and Create” category.

In the last years, NASA and other space organizations realized many tests to simulate an extraterrestrial environment on Earth and to experiment efficient ways of cohabitation, for example MDRS from the Mars Society and Hi-seas from NASA.

However, this projects showed some limits, for example Hi-Seas spaces aren’t optimized enough, its structure it’s difficult to be remodulated or extended and it is characterized by a low index of liveability.

A solution to these problems could be the Hexagonal Open Modular Environment Lab.

H.O.M.E. Lab is a honeycomb-structure hab, divided into different hexagonal compartment modules.

The hexagonal geometry of each module was inspired by nature.

One of the main feature of H.O.M.E. Lab is its Layout Flexibility. The hexagonal modularity allows to add new cells and to organize the hab disposition. Moreover, different configuration can be designed to better suit the ground where the hab will be built.

Another important feature of our solution is its environmental sustainablility.

1) Solar panels system

2) Energy from physical activities

3) Save organic material

Our hab is designed to prevent the psychological stress in the crew.

1) Use of colours

2) Music and pet terapy

3) VR

hydros94Davide Testa
At work!
At work!
davimasterDavide Mango
Working hard!
Working hard!
francescoperrelliFrancesco Perrelli

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.