Blue Odyssey | Space Jockey


Awards & Nominations

Blue Odyssey has received the following awards and nominations. Way to go!

Local Peoples' Choice Winner

The Challenge | Space Jockey

Build a tool that allows a user to virtually experience riding on any one of NASA’s current Earth observing satellites and allow for co-localization of data from various instruments.

Blue Odyssey

Using VR and AR to bring the outer space within your grasp!

Blue Odyssey


Our solution consisted in developing two tools:

  • One of the tools we used involved VR technology. We thought of it as a very interesting way of virtually experiencing a ride aboard one of NASA’s current satellites as it orbits the Earth. It is possible for all of us to have that opportunity and furthermore expand our knowledge with much effort, from the comfort of our own homes. Our prototype included key elements a satellite would see when orbiting the earth such as: the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, Asteroids, Space Debris and other satellites with an opportunity to change the view point form one satellite to the other. Satellites collect lots of important, accurate and fascinating information about our planet and we also incorporated this by using certain points where the user would focus or click and the information would pop-up. In the future we want to use the data that NASA provides to display and update information that would pop-up, in a more user-friendly interface.
  • Also we used AR technology to demonstrate the 3D object inside a certain device’s screen of a certain image found on the magazine. It was developed addressing the needs of students studying astronomy, a teacher who wants to make their teaching more fun, a farmer worried about atmospheric changes happening in their area, or just curious individuals. The tool would be supported next by an application that would use the data collected every day/hour and update them in respective interfaces considering each end-user.

Behind the “Blue Odyssey” project?

Al’Ert Buraj- Currently a student at Harry T Fultz Technical High School. Loves learning about space.

Denis Ibrahimi- Informatics Engineering student, Software Developer. Worked on VR development. Passionate about VR, AR, Game Development and Machine Learning.

Ema Myrtollari- Bussiness Informatics student. Loves Computer Science, Programming and Space Science. Passionate about VR, Gaming technologies and Sci-Fi books.

Fabjon Gjuzi - Information and Communication Technology studen. Actually Software Developer. Passionate about Programming, AI, Outer Space, Space Missions and Futuristic Technologies.

Jurgen Jazaj- Electrical Engineering student, coming from a professional high school “Gjergj Canco” with focus on Data Network, ICT profile. Passionate about 3D technologies such as 3D printing, scanners and also Holographic displays. Has experience in 3D modeling as well as knowledge in low cost 3D printers and industrial ones.

Nikolin Kosta- Agricultural Management student, Graphic Designer. Made graphics and 3D models. Passionate about animation, 3D, VR, AR and game design.


Unity3D, Photoshop, Blender, Illustrator, Vuforia, Adobe After Effects, Android Studio, MS Publisher 2013.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.