Next Steps:
We will carry on about how to collect more information by several geographical worldwide zones. Trying to do an average of pollution measurement around a specific zone until complete all the world.
Project Resources:
JSON Pollution's city format:
"manchester": {
"center": {
"lat": 53.467,
"lng": -2.233
"ch4": 3.779105907159125e+19,
"ch4_per": 95.51937264091019,
"city": "Manchester",
"co": 5.537136305022727e-10,
"co2": 397.56538211116316,
"co2_per": 63.18718816857975,
"co_per": 3.005560852106043,
"dust": 1.6923117073019966e-05,
"dust_per": 2.3738678003459066,
"lw_flux": -45.75823974609375,
"lw_flux_per": 77.03036410685885,
"no2": 4823121035001856.0,
"no2_per": 24.110171253212517,
"sw_flux": 86.77875518798828,
"sw_flux_per": 31.76687690180772,
"wikipedia": "Manchester"
from netCDF4 import Dataset | |
import numpy as np | |
import json | |
import sys,getopt | |
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],':ir',['nc=', 'cities=', 'variable=', 'attr=', 'output=']) | |
for opt,arg in opts: | |
if opt=='--nc': | |
filename=arg | |
if opt=='--variable': | |
variable=arg | |
if opt=='--cities': | |
cities=arg | |
if opt=='--attr': | |
attr=arg | |
if opt=='--output': | |
output=arg | |
with open(cities, 'r') as infile: | |
cities = json.loads( | |
dataset = Dataset(filename, 'r') | |
limit = { | |
'min': None, | |
'max': None | |
} | |
def atributos(group): | |
for name in group.ncattrs(): | |
print "Global attr", name, "=", getattr(group,name) | |
def location(city, limit): | |
indlat=0 | |
indlon=0 | |
city[attr] = None | |
lat1 = dataset.variables['lat'] | |
lon1 = dataset.variables['lon'] | |
center = city['center'] | |
for longitud in lon1: | |
if longitud < center['lng']: | |
indlon+=1 | |
for latitud in lat1: | |
if latitud < center['lat']: | |
indlat+=1 | |
print variable + ' ' + city['city'] | |
print limit | |
if indlon < lon1[:].size and indlat < lat1[:].size : | |
city[attr]=dataset.variables[variable][indlat][indlon].tolist() | |
if(city[attr]!=None) : | |
if(limit['min']==None or city[attr] < limit['min']) : | |
limit['min'] = city[attr] | |
if(limit['max']==None or city[attr] > limit['max']) : | |
limit['max'] = city[attr] | |
def percentlocation(city, limit): | |
value = city[attr] | |
if(value != None): | |
print 'Percent values: '+variable + ' ' + city['city'] | |
if (limit['max'] - limit['min']) > 0 : | |
city[attr+'_per'] = abs(((city[attr] - limit['min']) * 100) / (limit['max'] - limit['min'])) | |
else : | |
city[attr+'_per'] = 100 | |
for city in cities.values(): | |
location(city, limit) | |
for city in cities.values(): | |
percentlocation(city, limit) | |
with open(output, 'w') as outfile: | |
json.dump(cities, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=2) | |
dataset.close() |
The code is in this repository
SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.