The Village | Our Planet, Our Home

Berkeley, CA

The Challenge | Our Planet, Our Home

Compare NASA Earth science data with data about people and tell your own story of human-environment interactions!

Breathe Easy

No Video Provided

We are the Village. Our goal is to build our community with like minded people who want to bring awareness to the effects of air pollutants in our world.

The Village

Background: We have built the skeleton application that visualizes air pollutants in the world. Our open source project invites collaboration from other developers to expand upon our platform with other useful features, such as predicting future air quality and rating safety for people with asthma.

Resources: OpenAQ API, Python, Django, D3js, GeoIP

Challenges Faced:

  • Scope of direction
  • Finding collaborative rhythm
  • Difficulty of datasets needed in readable file formats
  • Questionable absence of data from government website
  • Scope of time per project phase: Research, Objective, Code, and Design.

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.