GeoGene | Where the Genes Flow


Awards & Nominations

GeoGene has received the following awards and nominations. Way to go!

Global Nominee

The Challenge | Where the Genes Flow

Map and compare population genetics of a species with landscape features, climate conditions, and human activities in a region to identify potential barriers or facilitators to gene migration and local adaptation.

gene-marks and areals

Our project is a database that includes different species, some info about them, maps of their ranges, genes and phylogenetic trees


About importance:

Most databases serve a narrow set of purposes and researcers have to search multiple sites, or use different programs with different programs with different formats and notations for the same data. So the search of needed information can cost a lot of time and nerves. For example, building of phylogenetic tree cost to us 30 minutes.

How does it work?

Every living organism on Earth has its own specific gene-marker, which can be tracked. We took EF1alpha gene marker of insects as example. Our programm can track this markers in space(global map) and time(phylogenetic tree). As common marker for all species we choose cytochrom c and built separate phylogenetic trees.

What we've done?

We collected data from open sources and built phylogeny trees. We also have our own fuctionality such as displaying pre-filled separation factors(possible factors), and in future adding your own factors.

What about the UI?

The search engine provides the following functionality:
Search by species, search by genetic markers, and search by pairs of species.
Search by pairs outputs a phylogenetic tree of these species.
It's also possible to compare distant species and to look at their phylogenetic
tree to find a common ancestor. The website also gives a short description,
taxonomic data, and genetic markers and area of different species.

Bright future:

We are planning to make our base open to publicy, in the order to every user can add and edit information about species an their genes singularity.

On the next screenshot you can see example of output information about two selected species, and lot of information can added in the future.

It can be useful for all biologists, because finding needed information will take several seconds. Our base is an agregator of all important and interesting info about different species.

For our job we used JavaScript and Python.

List of used resources:

Project repository:



SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.