CJEW | The Arctic Game

Los Mochis, Sinaloa

Team Updates

The part where you have to input the information for putting down a mark.
The part where you have to input the information for putting down a mark.
Christian Ricardo Lugo Arellano
Login screen
Login screen
Christian Ricardo Lugo Arellano
The main screen of the game
The main screen of the game
Christian Ricardo Lugo Arellano


(We are sorry, we screwed up with the name and didn´t change it to avoid git problems)

Our proposal for the NASA Space Apps Challenge 2017.

The Arctic Game is a Geolocalization based game, that pretends to promote the documentation of the arctic envoirment. The game will let anyone create an account and start adding marks on a map.

When creating a mark, the player will need to provide the following information:

  • Title
  • Photo
  • Description
  • Radius (e.g. 1km)

The player will be able to see their current GPS location and marks that other players created near him. These marks can be of different types:

  • Danger
  • Warning
  • Observation

Each kind of mark will show in a different way than other. For example, Warning marks will show their radius circle in color yellow, and they will have a warning icon on the middle; on the other side, Observation marks will show in color green, and will have a different icon.

Players will not only be able to see other player created marks, but also to rate them using by touching a "thumbs up" button if they think the information on the mark is useful and/or right, or by touching a "thumbs down" button if they think it is wrong or misleading.

By each "thumbs up" a player gets on a mark he created, he will get points, that will let them level up and move up on a ranking system.

The maximum level a player can reach, is level 10. Here are the point requirement for each level:

  • Level 1 - 0 points
  • Level 2 - 1 point
  • Level 3 - 3 points
  • Level 4 - 5 points
  • Level 5 - 8 points
  • Level 6 - 12 points
  • Level 7 - 17 points
  • Level 8 - 23 points
  • Level 9 - 30 points
  • Level 10- 38 points

Project state

Features we have finished until now:

  • Game map
  • UI
  • Geolocalization system
  • Mark showing system

Things to do

  • Mark creation
  • Webserver
  • Database
  • Data requesting from server
Christian Ricardo Lugo Arellano

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.