The Tip of the Iceberg... | The Arctic Game

New York, NY

The Challenge | The Arctic Game

Design a mobile game that helps document the local Arctic environment by crowdsourcing photos and information, while enhancing intercultural and intergenerational learning in the Inupiaq communities.

Legends of the North

No Video Provided

An app that enables indigenous communities to help preserve their language and culture by using technology to help bridge the generation gap. Crowdsourced imagery corroborates with satellite data to fill in gaps and assists with safer hunting routes.

The Tip of the Iceberg...

“We chose the Arctic game challenge.

The aim was to develop a game that would motivate young hunters to collect environmental data (e.g. pictures of ice floes) with their mobile phones, classify the data in the Inupiaq language together with their Elders and/or whaling captains, and share their findings with scientists.

Our mobile app is called Legends of the North. Our main features of the gaming aspect are: a system where users can like other users uploads. A large amount of likes implements a point system that rewards users with the most likes on an upload. Rewards can be either monetary (like Youtube’s system), or they could simply be benefits and upgraded features for the people with really popular uploads (like in a typical game).

Other features of the game include uploading photos, uploading ‘how to’ videos, ‘tell a story’, and recommending best routes. These features address the crowd-sourcing aspect of the app and bridge the gap between the generations by allowing elders to share and impart knowledge upon their younger generation in a way said generation will be receptive to.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.