Blogueras Techie | Water, Water, Everywhere!

Everywhere / Virtual Participation

The Challenge | Water, Water, Everywhere!

Develop a tool that provides emergency management personnel with an up-to-date flood-risk map for an area of interest.

The River's mood project

We want to show you that rivers are living beings! The River's mood project is an app that teaches you how rivers around the world have changed, reacted and behaved throughout the years to different environmental phenomena.

Blogueras Techie

Project Github:

Our project running:

The Maipo River Mood Timeline: 🇨🇱

The Yarra River Mood Timeline: 🇦🇺

Melissa Gattoni ~ Frontend development

Daniela Gattoni ~ Backend development

Credits: Logo created by Becris from the Noun Project (


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.