Recently, sea level rise is getting higher shown by NASA's survey. It's about 85.5mm up from 1993. It's thought that the main factor is global warming. This problem is getting serious in the world. However, we don't look at what serious and how crisis it is.
To make us catch that sight, we developed "Blue Earth Watching", which is a web application to simulate global sea level rise on your hand.
That's a simple UI. When you touch the Sun, you can see a sea level changing. And you can also see sea level rise at each primary city where you live in. Furthermore, the predicted percentage of land lost and number of escaped citizen are shown on the header.
Blue Earth Watching :
Blue Marble:
Global Mean Sea Level - NASA Sea Level Challenge:
SOHO the Solar & Heliospheric Observatory:
SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.