Bazookas against Fire | And YOU can Help Fight Fires!


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The fire is a live creature, he needs to eat , he has his own strategy of live, grow in, to reproduce.

The fire is a live creature, he needs to grow in , eat , he has his own strategy of live, to reproduce.

With the information from the nasa, we can approach with a lot information to the wild fire.
Where the fire can eat, reproduce, with this information the local fire manager can attack the best way

Fire brigades are our spearhead and it is to those who must give our best weapons.

Bazookas against fire.

The forest brigades will have in real time the prediction of the way of the fire.
With this system, forest brigades will have the most lethal fire-fighting tools. A bomb launching system puts out fires, from the fire trucks, bombs equipped with a biodegradable gel will cut off the fuel supply of the fire, cutting his natural way, can not advance and die.

pabloaliagaPablo Aliaga Cremades

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.