Sat-A-Fire | And YOU can Help Fight Fires!

Space Apps Napoli

The Challenge | And YOU can Help Fight Fires!

Build a fire-monitoring and crowdsourcing tool that will allow local fire managers to respond to wildfires.


Prediction of fire envelope using satellite data, airborne sensors and on ground measurement. Then, we aim to find a safe escape from dangerous areas with a smarthpone app.


Our goals are making a real time prediction model about fire propagation and assure a safe escape way from dangerous area.

In order to reach these achievements we use satellite data in the IR and Red spectral regions.

By creating data libraries from satellite measures ( whether it is from a new mission or acquired data through other satellites like Landsat-7, Proba-v and Flex ),certified prediction algorithms can be improved to take into account the pyrolytic potential of different species, present on the territory, and their state of health.

By integrating this data with those collected on the field by drones equipped with IR cameras and satellite imagery from fire surveillance projects, real-time prediction will be possible with software similar to FARESITE.

Using this prediction, we have created an algorithm for an app that could compute the best escape route from a wildfire to salvation point, taking into account the topography of the territory (also the potential obstacles) thanks to the Digital Elevation Model(DEM).


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.