"Safe from FIRE" is an mobile app (ios/android) that it's used as alarm and prevention app for citizens and firemen.
Case study:
- normal users report a fire by using a prefilled form with valuable data for the fire department such as address, name, phone number, photos and videos, number of victims etc
- if the user is able to walk he gets directions from his location to the nearest safety area
- fire chance algorithm that uses real time data (such as temperature, humidity, rain, average number of fires in the area) to calculate the possibility of a fire in the user's area
- near real time data interactive map of the global and local fires
- web app for the fire department that is connected to the mobile app and sees all the fires on the map and the user's location
- firemen see directions from the fire department to the fire location using GPS coordinates and the data the user sent
Team Sparky:
The problems for the citizens (data for Romania):
- 12 daily household fire incidents
- 5270 yearly conflagrations
- 187 yearly deaths in the last 8 years in Romania
- Main causes: lack of prevention education
and no real time information on best escape route
The problems for the citizens (data for US):
- 3686 daily reported fires
- 9 daily civilian deaths
- $14.3 billion in Property damage
The problems for the firefighters:
- Long fire data collection time
- 15 minutes intervention time
- Outdated communication methods with endangered citizens
- No real time information on best rescue route
The solution for citizens:
- An app that alerts citizens regarding fire hazards nearby
- Alerting the authorities every time the citizens see a fire near them
- Fire forecasting data based on fire emergency cases historical data and weather conditions
- Access safety guides for fire prevention and survival
The impact for citizens:
- Potentially saves lives by shows them the way out + survival tips
- Citizens can become safety guards for their own communities
- Increase awareness regarding the conflagration risk in their area
- Better prepared and educated citizens regarding what to do before, during and after a major fire incident
The solution for firefighters:
- Elimination of caller waiting and redirection time from 911/112 and step by step fire reporting form
- Data that is normally asked by phone is automatically transferred to the fire fighter dashboard (name, phone number, location, pictures, videos)
- Optimized intervention paths by using automatically recommended routes to the emergency location
The impact for firefighters:
- Shorter time to report a fire and centralize fire crisis information
- Real time information (including media files) sent to the intervention teams
- Reduced intervention time for fire fighting teams
- Real time map of fires & user reported incidents
SafeFromFire current features
- Native iOS and Android mobile apps with core functionalities
- Alarm button and critical information form
- Algorithm for best route out for Citizens
- Algorithm for best route in for Firefighters (“Waze for Fire”)
- Fire forecasting data from: NASA Earth Data, OpenWeather API, FIRMS Web Fire Mapper
- Educational content with guides before, during and after an incident
- User profiles data
Future developments:
- Alerts that remind you that you should clean up your chimney (30% of the fires in Romania are caused by inefficient chimney clean-up)
- Alerts that remind you that you should regularly check your electrical installation
- Users rating, ban & fraud reporting system
- Gamification system based on educational courses participation
- Finalized push notifications
- Better UX :)
- Integrated Firefighter command center
- Integration with fire sensors, security cameras, etc
- Read data from satellite: altitudes, which building, forest or road blockage
- Integration of satellite near real time data (NASA Earth Data)
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Github: https://github.com/zdurlan/SafeFromFire
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