Be Positive | Every Cloud


The Challenge | Every Cloud

Map severe weather conditions with the presence of local atmospheric aerosols to identify potential connections!

Disaster Protecting System

Disaster Protecting System(DiPS). It's not only an app but also a life supporting guide for all. People can learn and in reach their knowledge about natural disaster. and by using this app they can save their valuable life and property.

Be Positive
{'dispatchConfig': None, '_targetInst': None, 'nativeEvent': None, 'type': None, 'target': None, 'currentTarget': None, 'eventPhase': None, 'bubbles': None, 'cancelable': None, 'timeStamp': None, 'defaultPrevented': None, 'isTrusted': None, 'isDefaultPrevented': None, 'isPropagationStopped': None, '_dispatchListeners': None, '_dispatchInstances': None}

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.