AirTravelling Stories | Pilots Plus


Awards & Nominations

AirTravelling Stories has received the following awards and nominations. Way to go!

Global Nominee

The Challenge | Pilots Plus

Provide private aircraft pilots and passengers with an easy-to-use tool that gives information about the land underneath their flight plans.

AirTravelling Stories

Our idea is a smartphone app which combines GPS technology and crowdsourcing. Every time users are flying above a region,they receive a notification that informs them about their location and relevant facts.The information sent will be personalized.

AirTravelling Stories

If you have problem watching the video, click that link:Watch the video- Go Animate

What motivated us to deal with this issue were some aerial photographs taken by NASA.Here is the link:

We made the video by using GoAnimate.

We would like to thank the organizers of the Bootcamp in Larisa for being in touch with us and helping us so much.

For more information about our project look at our Updates


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.