hi, we are absolutely scientific and we are going to explain to you on which
consisted our challenge, that is callled "You're my sunshine" and the
way we tried to work it out.
So this challenge consisited in finding some app or tool that
allowed us to accomplish three main aims:
1) Explaining to new users how solar panels work, the
different types existing and the limitant factors found, so they could really
understand its upsides and disadvantages.
2) Making people aware of daily consumption by giving the
example of the NASA project taking place in hawaii,called HI-Sea that wants to
recreate the life in Mars.
3) Developing some tool that allows people to know how much
energy is produced by their installation.
The very first problem we had to tackle was the fact that we
don't know how to create any kind of software or app. Thus, we decided to
develope some kind of blog in which we gathered all the different tools that
target each aim. In the end, we were able to develope an html page which
included all our progress, and is considered as our solution to the challlenge.
So basically our page contains a lot of stuff. The first
thing found is an introduction presentation for new possible costumers that
includes a proper definition of solar panels, some information about the
different types existing, and the way they work. In addition there are some
limitant factors mentioned that users need to bear in mind. By searching
information for this tool, we understood deeply the answers to all the
questions that we had about solar panels. This way, we could make ourselves
clear when explaining and when trying to work out the rest of aims.
Secondly, there is also this little program that we've created
and it's really useful for non expert costumers. It consists on an excell page
with several functions, and one of them (that is based on a formula found by
Halley in the XVIII century) allows them to calculate the number of panels and
batteries needed in a system only with the data that the manufacturer provided.
In order to calculate this, another data needed is the
latitude.Thus the program calculates the isolation in the area and the solar
production depending on the solar panel model, with other words, the energy
produced, measured in Kw*h/m^2.That's in the first book of the excel page, and
one of its function.
In the second book, there is another function, that achieves
the third aim. There is a table with many household apliances, where the power
of each household apliance and the hours of use per day must be written, so the
program will give the total consumption.
Automatically it will write in the first book your
consumption. Also we've added a environmental factor that goes from 0.1 to 1. /
0.1 means a really cloudy day, and 1 means that the sky is totally clear.
This factor is neccesary to calculate which household
apliancies must be turn down in order to have a superavit in solar production ,
which allows users to make sure that they have energy enough prouduced even if
there are some unexpected waste. All this will apear in first and second book.
The other books found are the formulas that allow to
calculate everything, so the first and second books are a simplification of all
the process so everybody can use it. In the third book we can find the
isolation calculations,in which latitude, the date and the inclination of the
solar panel have an influence.
In order to make easier to understand the influence that this
has on the radiation received, our teacher helped us to develope a web in which
by choosing a place in a worldmap and a date and an inclination angle, the
radiation received could be shown by a point that growed in size. This is a
very visual method that allows us to make people understand how important are
this factors to calculate and have a near idea of their daily production.
Besides, we filled the different excel tables by putting the
example of the NASA experiment from Hawaii, that wants to recreate an habitat
in Mars, so this also can be useful for the people working there so that they
can both calculate their energy demand and production. By putting this example
we had a practical point of view of all the theorical calculations that we were
-Personal knowledge
-Physics books
-Imagination and creativity
SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.