FloodLight | Water, Water, Everywhere!


Team Updates

Exploring ground level surrounding water sources that may contribute to flood risk in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Exploring ground level surrounding water sources that may contribute to flood risk in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Levin Lian
Floodlight global event tracker with satellite imagery
Floodlight global event tracker with satellite imagery
Levin Lian



- Floodlight beta 2.0 User guide





1. Getting Started and Navigating Floodlight

Click the menu icon in the bottom left corner to toggle the sidebar.

Options in the sidebar include:

-Searching currently tracked flooding and storm events registered on the EONET

-Searching past flooding and storm events registered on the EONET.

2. Global Event Tracker

After making a selection, a polygon or marker details about the event will be displayed.

Clicking on these areas will provide general information about the event, including date, surrounding cities, and populations affected.

Popup window links to satellite imagery of the event is also provided (where available from the NASA database).

3.Region Specific Flood Risk Evaluation Tool

Zooming in to the ground level allows user to investigate specific cities of interest.

Clicking on a city icon will provide current weather conditions and other useful data to gauge potential flood risks, including elevation and windspeed.

Floodlight also supports features that allow users to locate nearby water sources that may contribute to flood risk in the event of spillage.

These include locating nearby dams, rivers, canals, estuaries, lagoons, reservoirs, etc.

4. Additional Features

The Find Me tool in the sidebar currently performs only a location detecting service. Plans are in place to extend this feature

to provide users with up to date information about nearby flooding and storm events in their region.

Floodlight has been built to be entirely scalable. Future implementable features include crowdsourcing region specific data to

aid emergency personnel and the general public, including self-reported flooded roads, fallen trees and power lines, and so on.

Levin Lian
Michael De Angelis

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.